G4S is a British-Danish private security company. G4S owns 90% of G4S Israel. Through G4S Israel, G4S assists the Israeli regime in securing the occupation of Palestine via a variety of services.

G4S complicity

G4S supplies equipment and services to military checkpoints that make up the route of Israel’s illegal wall in Palestine. G4S has provided equipment to Erez checkpoint that enforce the illegal siege of Gaza. G4S provides systems to prisons in which the Israeli regime holds Palestinian prisoners. G4S provides equipment to the Israeli police headquarters in the West Bank. G4S also provides security services to businesses and supermarkets in the settlements. For example, G4S Israel guards the Barkan industrial Zone and the Ariel University College.

Human rights violations and violations of international law

Human rights organizations, among which Amnesty International, have collected evidence showing that Palestinian prisoners, including children, are regularly subjected to torture in the facilities G4S provides services for. Torture is a grave human rights violation.


The Russell Tribunal on Palestine, an international citizen-based Tribunal concludes that G4S may be found complicit in Israeli violations of international law.

Severing ties

More and more organisations do not longer want to link with G4S. For example, two Dutch charities, the Food Bank in Utrecht and Jantje Beton, ruled out accepting future donations from G4S after they were informed about the company’s role in Israel’s detention of Palestinian children. Also the Dutch trade Union Abvakabo and political party GroenLinks, ended their relationship with G4S for aiding Israel’s human rights abuses.